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Scientific Journal Publications

Scale-up integrated care for diabetes and hypertension in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium


Changes in the level of knowledge of diabetes among elderly with diabetes in Slovenia in the period 2011–2020

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Scale-up integrated care for diabetes and hypertension in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium (SCUBY): a study design for a quasi-experimental multiple case study


The burden of recording and reporting health data in primary health care facilities in five low- and lower-middle income countries


Workshop: Evaluation of scale-up of health systems interventions: what and how? Lessons for scale-up projects

The impact of COVID-19 on chronic care according to providers: a qualitative study among primary care practices in Belgium

Scaling-up an Integrated Care for Patients with Non-communicable Diseases: An Analysis of Healthcare Barriers and Facilitators in Slovenia and Belgium

Kijken naar de beste praktijken: daar leren we van…

Looking at best practices: we learn from that…


Implementation of Integrated Primary Care for Patients with Diabetes and Hypertension: A Case from Slovenia

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Integration or Fragmentation of Health Care? Examining Policies and Politics in a Belgian Case Study


Telemonitoring of elderly with hypertension and type 2 diabetes at the primary care level: Protocol for a multicentric randomized controlled pilot study

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Costs and Quality of Life in Patients With Systemic Arterial Hypertension in Slovenia


Applying systems thinking to identify enablers and challenges to scale-up interventions for hypertension and diabetes in low-income and middle-income countries: protocol for a longitudinal mixed-methods study


Development and operationalization of a data framework to assess quality of integrated diabetes care in the fragmented data landscape of Belgium


Peer support as part of scaling-up integrated care in patients with type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension at the primary healthcare level: A study protocol

Laična podpora kot nadgradnja celostne oskrbe bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 in arterijsko hipertenzijo na primarni zdravstveni ravni: Predstavitev protokola raziskave


Healthcare usage and expenditure among people with type 2 diabetes and/or hypertension in Cambodia: results from a cross-sectional survey


Evaluation of Diabetes Care Performance in Cambodia Through the Cascade-of-Care Framework: Cross-Sectional Study


Facilitators and Barriers to Scaling-Up Integrated Care for Arterial Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes in Slovenia: Qualitative Study


Beyond diagnosis: Investigating factors influencing health-related quality of life in older people with type 2 diabetes in Slovenia


Development of a Qualitative Data Analysis Codebook for Arterial Hypertension and Type-2-Diabetes Integrated Care Evaluation


What makes integration of chronic care so difficult? A macro-level analysis of barriers and facilitators in Belgium


The cascade of hypertension care in Cambodia: evidence from a cross‑sectional population‑based survey


Generation of Cascades of Care for Diabetes and Hypertension Care Continuum in Cambodia: Protocol for a Population-Based Survey Protocol


Costs of multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analyses

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From Implementation Towards Change Management: A Plea for a Multi-stakeholder View on Innovation Implementation; Comment on “What Managers Find Important for Implementation of Innovations in the Healthcare Sector – Practice Through Six Management Perspectives”


Scale-up of a chronic care model-based programme for type 2 diabetes in Belgium: a mixed-methods study


Perceptions of the primary health care team about the implementation of integrated care of patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension in Slovenia: qualitative study

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Scaling-up integrated type-2 diabetes and hypertension care in Cambodia: what are the barriers to health system performance?


Process evaluation of the scale-up of integrated diabetes and hypertension care in Belgium, Cambodia and Slovenia (the SCUBY Project): a study protocol


Bottom-Up Analysis of Telemonitoring Costs: A Case Study in Slovenian Primary Care

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Health after the pandemic: investigating risk factors for poorly controlled arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes among elderly patients in primary care in Slovenia

Magazine and News Features
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De coronacrisis kan de huisartsenzorg voorgoed veranderen

Corona crisis could change GP care forever

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Discover the SCUBY project, the mission of scaling up integrated care for diabetes and hypertension in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium.

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Waar haken mensen in de zorg voor diabetes en hypertensie af?

Where do people in diabetes and hypertension care drop out?


Opschalen van geïntegreerde zorg

Scaling up of integrated care


De eerstelijnszorg van de toekomst is met verpleegkundigen in de huisartspraktijken

The primary care of the future will be with nurses in
family practices


De impact van Covid-19 op chronische zorg volgens zorgverleners: een kwalitatieve studie bij eerstelijnspraktijken in België

The impact of Covid-19 on chronic care according to healthcare providers: a qualitative study of primary care practices in Belgium


Naar een betere omkadering van de huisartsenpraktijk in de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg

Towards better framing of general practice in primary care

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Pot do povečanja integriranega svežnja oskrbe v treh državah

The path to increasing the integrated care package in three countries

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Comparison of implementation of integrated care for diabetes In Belgium

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Integrated care policy for the chronically ill in Belgium: a stakeholder analysis

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Implementation of an integrated care package: Cross country lessons from Cambodia, Belgium and Slovenia


Patients´ thoughts on the better health care and ways in which the healthcare workers can empower them 


Opinions of the primary healthcare team about the integrated care of patients with type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension in Slovenia 


Integrated care in Belgium: implementation in different primary care practices


Comprehensive Evaluation of The Hypertension at the Primary Level in Slovenia: Lessons for the Future


A Qualitative Study to explore access and barriers to integrated care among vulnerable patients with diabetes mellitus in Belgium

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Barriers and Facilitators for Scaling-Up an Integrated Care Package of Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension: A Method for Cross-Country Analysis applied in Slovenia, Belgium and Cambodia


Process evaluation of scale up of care for hypertension and diabetes in Belgium, Slovenia and Cambodia (the SCUBY project): A study protocol


Macro-level barriers to scaling up integrated care in three countries: Belgium, Slovenia and Cambodia

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The Cascade of Hypertension Care in Cambodia: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Population-Based Survey


Integrated care for Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension in Slovenia from the perspective of patients and the health care team


Comprehensive Evaluation of Type 2 Diabetes Management at the Primary Level in Slovenia: Lessons for the Future


What Makes Integration of Chronic Care so Difficult? A Macro-Level Analysis of Barriers and Facilitators in Belgium


Introduction of peer support as part of scaling-up integrated care in patients with concomitant diabetes and arterial hypertension at the primary health care level in Slovenia: pilot study protocol

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Telemonitoring of seniors with comorbid hypertension and type 2 diabetes: study protocol and first preliminary results of a randomised multicenter pilot study


Local practice facilitation: supporting proactive and integrated chronic care in primary care practices in Antwerp, Belgium


Population health management through integrated data monitoring

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Implementacija telemonitoringa starejših bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo in sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 na primarni ravni v Sloveniji


Management of Type-2-Diabetes patients at Family Medicine Practices at the Community Health Centre Ljubljana (Slovenia): A Protocol of a Cross-Sectional Study


COVID-19 Influence on NCD Prevention, Care and Research in Primary Care: Multi-Case study of Belgium and Slovenia


Supporting proactive and integrated chronic care in primary care practices in Belgium


Implementation of blood pressure and blood glucose telemonitoring in elderly patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes at primary care level in Slovenia


Implementation of peer support for optimisation of integrated primary care in patients with concomitant diabetes and arterial hypertension

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Implementacija telemonitoringa starejših bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo in sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 na primarni ravni – prvi izsledki multicentrične randomizirane kontrolirane raziskave


A data framework to assess quality of integrated diabetes care in Belgium


Evaluating the Cascade of Hypertension Care in Belgium

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Strukturirani izobraževalni program za osebe, ki bodo nudile laično podporo bolnikom s sladkorno boleznijo in arterijsko hipertenzijo na primarni zdravstveni ravni v Sloveniji

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Combining the chronic care model with process and outcome indicators to measure quality of care for diabetes in Belgium: a unique way toward a comprehensive view on quality of care

Presentations in scientific conferences
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Scaling Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium

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SCUBY case study

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Scaling up an integrated care package for diabetes and hypertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium


Assessing the Belgian Cascade of Hypertension Care and its determinants

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Process evaluations for the scale-up of complex interventions – A scoping review

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Scale-up Integrated Care for Chronic Diseases in Belgium: a process evaluation of policy dialogues and roadmap interventions

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Hypertension cascade across three healthcare systems, in relation to the level of implementation of the integrated care package

Networking Outputs
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Policy brief for research and action on multimorbidity in low- and middle-income countries

Video Presentations
GACD-The Scuby project

GACD-The Scuby project

Play Video

Scale-up diabetes and hypertension care - SCUBY_Miriam Hurtado Monarres

A policy analysis of the chronic care policies in Belgium

A policy analysis of the chronic care policies in Belgium

Play Video

A policy analysis of the chronic care policies in Belgium_Katrien Danhieux

Comprehensive Evaluation of The Hypertension at the Primary Level in Slovenia_ Lessons for the Future

Play Video

Comprehensive Evaluation of The Hypertension at the Primary Level in Slovenia_ Lessons for the Future_Črt Zavrnik


Scale-up integrated care for diabetes and hypertension in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium: The SCUBY project

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How does a good project trickles down through a health system? 

Scale-up of integrated care for diabetes

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Towards integrated chronic care in Belgium 

A preliminary analysis of stakeholders’ views on policy

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The quality of diabetes care in Belgium through a cascade of care lens: health insurance data linked to lab data

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Implementation of an Integrated care package 

Cross country lessons: Cambodia, Belgium and Slovenia

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Implementation of integrated care package (ICP) for chronic patients with hypertension (HT) and diabetes type 2 (DT2): lessons from Slovenia 

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Estimating Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension Costs in Slovenia

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Health-Related Quality of Life of Chronic Patients in Comparison to General Population in Slovenia

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Knowledge of Disease Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension in Slovenia

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Health-Related Quality of Life of Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension Patients in Slovenia


Process evaluation of the scale-up of integrated chronic care in Belgium, Slovenia and Cambodia

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What makes integration of chronic care so difficult?

A macro-level analysis of barriers and facilitators in Belgium – international journal of integrated care

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Co-Harnessing Knowledge: Improving Lives


COVID-19 Influence on NCD Prevention, Care and Research in Primary Care: Multi-Case study of Belgium and Slovenia

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Cross-country lessons from the SCUBY project on country-specific roadmaps for scaling up integrated care in Belgium, Slovenia, and Cambodia

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Scaling up integrated care 
A realist evaluation on the role of policy dialogues and scale-up roadmaps in Belgium, Slovenia and Cambodia

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Implementation of BP and BG telemonitoring in the elderly population in primary care: a right step towards integrated care?

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Educational training in disease management for persons providing peer support to patients with type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension at the primary healthcare level

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Management of Patients with Hypertension at Family Medicine Practices at the Community Health Centre Ljubljana (Slovenia): A Protocol of a Cross-Sectional Study

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Understanding the Role of Social Support in the Adherence to the Hypertension Continuum of Care in Cambodia 

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Lessons on chronic care organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium. COVID as a magnifying glass on primary health care

Policy Briefs
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Scaling-Up Integrated Care Package For Type 2 Diabetes And Hypertension In Cambodia:
Evidence And Policy Consideration


Policy brief by Belgium team (in Dutch)

Communication Material

Leading research collaborations

on chronic diseases worldwide


A people centered approach to
Reciprocal learning
in the prevention and management of

Type 2 Diabetes


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 825432.

© 2023 SCUBY

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